I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I know you really shouldn't dye your hair but I wanted to know this about it.. I have my dark brown roots growing in my blonde highlighted hair.. its about 2 inches of brown grown it.. so if I just dye the rest brown, none of it would be touching my scalp or skin at all, so that would be OK right?? I know to do it in a well ventilated area and after the first trimester, but since its not on my skin or scalp at all that shouldn't be a problem??
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
It's fine to dye your hair. It's a myth that you can't when you're pregnant - it was old practice decades ago, but current research cannot find any harm in using hair dye because the amount absorbed into the scalp is so miniscule.
What you might find though is that your hormones have changed the way the dye will absorb. Many women have ended up with some seriously funky colors when trying to dye it (myself included), so be prepared that you might have some corrective work to do.
Good luck.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
Hmm.. ya know, that's a good question.
I dunno why you wouldn't be able to if none of it will be touching scalp or skin, but I'm not sure either.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
Yeah just wait till after your first trimester. I am a natural blonde and dye my hair brown (strange I know). I waited till I was 17 weeks just to make sure I was well out of the 1st.
Some people will tell you not to dye your hair. Just do the research on it yourself and make your own decision. There have been no studies that say it hurts the baby. Obviously a non-chemical pregnancy is best, but I feel hideous with blonde hair and it is important to feel pretty when you are gaining 25-35 pounds.
Good luck to you. I would probably go to a professional so they can match your color perfectly and you won't be breathing in/touching as much chemicals.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
well, from what i've read it's best no to dye hair in the 1st or 3rd trimester, but you being 11 weeks you're almost in your 2nd trimester...so just wait like 2 more weeks and dye it... I knew someone who used to dye her hair during pregnancy. Also, her other children got head lice from the day care they went to and she wound up getting it too and she had to treat her hair with lice shampoo like 3 times during her pregnancy and i know that has to be way worse..but also, i read its not so much the chemicals you have on your head but what you're breathing in while its on your head so wear one of those masks too.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
I've had three children so far, and I'm currently eight weeks pregnant. I have always dyed my hair. My doctor said the only thing I would have to worry about would be it not turning out the color I was going for because of my pregnancy hormones. I was a blonde with my three, now I'm a darker blonde with blonde highlights. I, nor my children have ever had a problem. Good luck!! :)
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
This rule was made back in the day, when dye was filled with much harsher checicals. It is completely safe to dye your hair when you are pregnant. I asked my doctor about this %26amp; this was his answer. Have fun getting rid of those roots, Mama!
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
They don't recommend bleaching, but they has been numerous studies done, and no babies have come out with birth defects from dying. just try to stay away from the hair dyes with ammonia. I do mine myself, and i have brown hair...im 19 but have alot of greys! so, i've died mine twice this pregnancy (34 wks) and nothing is wrong. But to be safe....i used all natural dyes. you can find these in the hair dye section also. Anyway, good luck! and you have nothing to worry about.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
Honey it won't hurt you. You can dye your hair or have it highlighted, touch your scalp with it or not you will be fine. I dyed my hair completely black when I was only 10 weeks and continued throughout my pregnancy until my doctor tried to tell me that it wasn't good. I didn't listen. It didn't matter. I had the healthiest baby in the world. 8lbs 3oz and she is my first. They just "don't know" therefore it is to be feared supposedly. Trust me. You'll be fine.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
the only reason people say not to dye your hair is because of all the hormomes, you just dont know how your hair will react, there is no studies even done to suggest that it hurts your baby, your hair is just basically dead cells so it cant go into your head! would you conisder not getting your nails done? your hair and nails are made up of the same cell which are dead.
Hair dye?!... Not a typical question sooo Help!?
There is no reason why you can't dye your hair. Concerns regarding hair dye are for operators, not customers. So, feel free to do so. Realize that the dye may not take as well as previously and stick with a similar color that you already had.
As another poster suggests, consider using non-ammonia products until after the baby comes.
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